Pests We Treat - Paper Wasp in Beachwood, New Jersey

These particular wasps were a species of paper wasps. There are over twenty species of paper wasps and many of them have unusual colorations. To me, these particular wasps had the coloration of a snake. Insect coloration, just like snake coloration, is used as a warning signal to other animals. It's a sharp reminder to birds and other potential predators: You messed me with once and look what happened - don't think of messing with me again! Insects with high coloration (bright and conspicuous colors) are generally more aggressive and have more painful bites than their less flamboyant relatives because they produce more toxins. For example, whenever we see yellow jackets with their distinctive black and yellow stripes, we take great measures to avoid them, especially if we've already had a bad experience with them. I treated the grass area with granular application and carefully removed several wasp nests. I'm confident that this product, along with removal of the nests, will rapidly knock-down the population of these wasps and spiders.