Pests We Treat - Black Widow Spider in Beachwood, New Jersey

Black Widow Spiders
Most spiders have toxic venom to kill their prey, but "poisonous" spiders are limited to those whose venom typically causes a serious reaction in humans. In New Jersey, the most common poisonous spider is the black widow. The black widow earned its name from its somewhat startling and impolite behavior of eating the male after mating. Although most believe that a bite from a black widow is fatal, in fact, death is highly unlikely, and its symptoms can be alleviated once medical treatment is obtained. The male black widow's fangs are too small to break human skin. Only the female black widow can bite through a person's skin and inject enough venom to cause a painful reaction. The female black widow has a shiny black body, slender black legs, and a red or orange mark in the shape of an hourglass on the underside of its abdomen. I treated the grass area with granular application and carefully removed several wasp nests. I'm confident that this product, along with removal of the nests, will rapidly knock-down the population of these wasps and spiders.