Bird Control Services Before & After Photos
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Beach Haven, NJ home gets bird spikes on gutters
Pigeons and seagulls can find landing spots on ledges and other areas of rooftops, especially on the Jersey shore. For this house in Beach Haven, NJ, the homeowners were having issues with nuisance birds making their roof the birds new home.
These birds were landing and roosting on the gutters, causing a mess. We installed bird spikes to deter these birds and send them elsewhere.
Birds Causing Havoc in Pine Beach, NJ
This story brings me to Pine Beach, NJ. Our professional inspector was called out to a house about the massive amount of birds roosting on this home’s roof. When we arrived, we found a lot of birds sitting on top of the roof. This evidently was a constant problem. After speaking to the homeowner, we proposed using Shock Track as well as installing a Bird Flasher on the pilings around her dock area where more birds were congregating.
We installed Shock Track to the roof ridge. Shock Track is a great product that runs off a solar box, keeping it always active. It sends out a small zap to the birds when they land on it, teaching them that they no longer can use this home as a roosting spot. After we finished, we installed 10 Bird Flashers on the pilings. Bird Flashers give off an inferred flame that only the birds can see.
We showed the home owner the exclusions we installed and she was extremely happy and “shocked” as well to see how fast our job worked. We followed up with her after a couple days and she was happy to say that no birds are on her roof.
Birds Nesting Above the Girder in Manasquan, NJ
We were sent out to a home in Manasquan, NJ to deter nuisance birds from the property. The nuisance birds were roosting and nesting above the girder on the rear porch and defecating all over the area. This presents a dangerous situation to the owner and his family as the bird droppings are a health hazard and the nesting debris could contain bird mites. Bird mites are tiny, semitransparent parasites that feed off the blood of birds. When birds leave their nest, the mites are left without a suitable host and will infest the home to feed on the blood of humans.
First, we carefully removed the birds' nesting materials and applied a product that specifically targets bird mites. Next, we installed optical gel along the beams throughout the porch to prevent the birds from roosting. The optical gel is a multi-sensory bird repellant that deters birds using sight, smell, and touch. As a visual deterrent, the birds see a UV spectrum that, to them, looks like fire or smoke (although there isn't any). As a smell deterrent, the optical gel gives off a cayenne pepper or peppermint odor that the birds hate; and as a touch deterrent, the optical gel has a tacky feel to it that the birds dislike. Now nuisance birds are properly deterred from the area.
Bird Control in Point Pleasant Beach, NJ
Recently, we went on a service call for a homeowner in Point Pleasant Beach NJ, who was having an issue with birds getting into his home. As we inspected the exterior of the home to find the birds’ point of access, we came across a damaged plastic exhaust vent. As we took a closer look, a Starling peak his head out of the dryer vent and flew off!
Starlings are stocky black birds with short tails, triangular wings, and long, pointed bills. They nest in holes and cavities and often use holes in buildings — primarily dryer vents. Sterlings will exploit a vent opening to build a nest inside the home. Damaged exhaust vents not only allow birds and other critters to gain access to your home but also allow moisture to come in, which can lead to mold and mildew problems.
First, we thoroughly inspected the entire interior and exterior of the home to find any other nesting areas, to which we didn’t find. Next, we spoke with the homeowner regarding the dryer vent and mentioned that it needs to be replaced. He agreed and immediately scheduled an appointment with a contractor. Then, we sanitized and deodorized the vent with a solution that targets bird mites. Bird mites are tiny, semi-transparent parasites that feed on the blood of birds. When birds leave their nests, the mites are left behind without a suitable host for their next blood meal. They will enter a home and feed on the blood of humans. Bird mites are the main reason why extreme care is needed when removing a nest.
After removing all remnants of bird activity, as a temporary solution, we secured hardware cloth on the inside of the vent to prevent any more birds from attempting to access that area. Now the homeowner will no longer worry about annoying birds gaining access into his home.
Pigeon Feces on Solar Panels in Wall Township, NJ
A commercial building in Wall Township, NJ, was having a problem with pigeons roosting under the solar panels. As pigeons do, these birds were depositing their droppings all over, defacing the building and annoying for customers entering and exiting the premises. It was an intolerable situation.
Pigeons are one of the most common nuisance birds faced by commercial property owners. Many view feral pigeons as vermin because of their toxic waste and the diseases that they carry. These birds enjoy a virtually unlimited food supply and thrive around human populations. Unfortunately, nuisance birds shuffle from one building to the next. When they are “evicted” from one location with deterrent devices, they inevitably become someone else’s problem.
Pigeon droppings are more than an unsightly nuisance. Their droppings are highly acidic. In fact, their waste matter is white because of the uric acid crystals in their watery “bombs.” that splatter and make a sticky mess. Their waste is strong enough to dissolve paint and damage property. Also, their droppings contain numerous pathogens and parasites. Touching or even just breathing in the airborne spores can transmit a variety of diseases, including histoplasmosis, a respiratory fungal infection.
The property owner contacted Bird Solutions By Cowleys to resolve this bird infestation permanently. We inspected the area to determine how the birds could be blocked from the roof area. The most effective solution was installing a bird barrier around the perimeter of the solar panels.With this barrier in place, birds or wildlife could no longer enter under the solar panels to nest where they could chew wire and cause other property damage.