Photo Gallery

Yellow Jackets Nest Close to the Front Door in Pennington,...
4 photos

The Bed & Sheets Are Loaded with Bed Bugs in Pennington, NJ
7 photos

A Massive Swarm of Yellow Jackets Found in the Crawl Space,...
6 photos

One Large Bald-Faced Hornets Nest in Pennington, NJ
4 photos

Squirrels Breaking into Attic in Pennington, NJ
5 photos

Bed bugs invade Pennington home
3 photos

Clean Out for Cockroaches in Hopewell, NJ
5 photos

How the Mice Were Infesting this Home in Hopewell, NJ
4 photos

Came Across a Praying Mantis in Hopewell, NJ
4 photos

Lots & Lots of Boxelder Bugs Found in the Wood Chips in...
4 photos

A Ton of Rat Droppings in the Basement in Hopewell, NJ
5 photos

Turkey Vultures Defecating Around School in Hopewell, NJ
5 photos