Wildlife Removal Photo Album: Tree Acts as a Highway for Squirrels in Neptune, NJ
This commercial business in Neptune, NJ was having a problem with squirrels.
Causing a Lot of Damage
As you can see, the squirrels were causing a lot of damage to this building.
All Because of this Tree
The squirrels were using this tree as a highway to infest the building. We brought this to the owner's attention and mentioned that it needs to be trimmed or removed ASAP. He agreed and, once all the squirrels are gone, he will take care of it.
Retrieval Devices
We set up a one-way device over the two access points and temporarily enclosed them with hardware cloth. We also placed several baited devices nearby. The one-way will allow the squirrels to safely leave the area but prevent them from getting back in.
Now for Pest-Blok
A short while later, we successfully retrieved all the squirrels and relocated them to a new, humane location. Now to exclude the squirrels, and any other nuisance wildlife, from the building we installed Pest-Blok.
Sturdy Material
Pest-Blok doesn't restrict airflow, undergoes a silicone-protected polyester coating process that makes it last longer, and guards the home against squirrels, pests, birds, and all other nuisance wildlife.