Wildlife Removal Photo Album: Skunk Found Under the Shed in Avon By The Sea, NJ
A homeowner in Avon By The Sea, NJ noticed a foul odor coming from underneath her shed for weeks. One day she went to inspect the smell and saw a skunk run out from underneath it!
Too Big of a Gap
There was a wide gap around the entire perimeter of the shed, which was how the skunk was able to easily burrow under it.
Ten Inches Down
First, we dug approximately 10 inches down into the ground and then dug 10 inches out from the shed. Next, we installed our hardware cloth, folded it into an L-shape, secured it along the entire deck area, and then filled the hole back up.
Effective Solution
Skunks prefer to burrow at a 45-degree angle. So when they try to burrow along the shed, they will come in contact with that hardware cloth and be deterred from the area.
Baited Device Set-up
Lastly, we set up our two-gaited baited device over the main burrow. Once we safely retrieve the skunk we will relocate it to a new environment, fill in the burrow, and install hardware cloth over the area.
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