Full-Service Nuisance Wildlife Damage Repair in NJ
Our Wildlife Damage Repair Services
- Repair soffits that have been torn down by wildlife, such as raccoons.
- Repair trim, rake boards, fascia boards, roof shingles, and corner pork chops (the end of a soffit).
- Fill voids and gaps where two roofs come together.
- Replace gable vents that have been chewed by wildlife.
- Replace damaged, soiled insulation.
Preventative Maintenance Services
Not only do we do all these repairs regularly, we also do preventative maintenance.
- Caulk and seal potential entryways.
- Trim branches on trees near the home or business.
How and Why Does Wildlife Enter Into a Home or Business?
Most wildlife damage occurs from them chewing and gnawing their way into structures to nest inside. Wildlife, if nothing else, are persistent. Once they are committed to entering a structure, they have a single-minded focus to succeed. What makes wildlife choose one structure over another? Wildlife is opportunistic. They have a natural curiosity and seeming magnetic attraction for weaknesses in a structure that give them access to a home or structure. They quickly take advantage of wood rot, open vents, and chimney tops. The usual scenario is Mother Nature weakening a roofline, soffit, crawlspace door, vents, and other potential openings. Wildlife explores the void or opening and, seizing an opportunity, make unique adjustments to gain entry to their new homes. The strength of the claws and teeth of wildlife, especially with compromised wood, cannot be underestimated. Wildlife can readily tunnel through multiple layers of shingles, wood, and insulation to find their way inside your home.
Making a Nest
One inside, the damage continues. Wildlife exists to make more wildlife. Their cycle of life is to eat and breed. Once inside the structure, job number one is making a nest or den to raise their young. And the resultant damage from making their “nursery” for their pups is extensive. They chew through everything and anything to gather bedding for their nests including insulation and electrical wire. They also gnaw at wood to create wood shavings. All of this results in significant collateral damage. Wildlife is one of the major causes of power outages, and even worse -- accidental fires -- from chewed and exposed electrical wiring. They can cause damage to windows, roof, water leaks, and drafts. Make no mistake, in no time, wildlife can do a shocking amount of damage to your home. Wildlife may seem cute and cuddly scampering around trees outside your home, but they can be wrecking machines once inside.
Droppings and Urine Cause Damage and Disease
To add insult to injury, their droppings and urine cause severe damage ruining sheetrock, clothing, insulation, items stored away, and personal belongings. Also, their wastes carry a host of viruses, bacteria, and parasites. In addition, these nuisance wildlife are often infested with mites, fleas, and ticks. A home can easily become permeated with foul odors, not just from the wildlife themselves, but inevitably a few of the pups die leaving a rotting carcass. The droppings and foul odors from death tend to attract other pests so in addition to a wildlife problem, there is often a secondary infestation problem from flies and beetles.
What does this mean with nuisance wildlife control? First, they don’t go away by themselves. Second, the more time they have to set up shop the worse, the damage will get. The key to emergency wildlife control is responding quickly. Every day matters! Homeowners must treat nuisance wildlife that enters their home as a bona fide emergency. The cost of repairs can grow exponentially and stop getting them out of your home after a day or two can save thousands in repair costs. You want to get them out of your home before they start turning your home into theirs.
What can Little Rascals Nuisance Wildlife Control by Cowleys do for you?
Our technicians have the carpentry experience to fix the damage caused by wildlife. Perhaps more importantly, we have the experience and track record to exclude any wildlife that may be a potential problem for you. The object is not only to repair the current damage; it is to do whatever we can to wildlife proof your home so they don’t return.
Our advantage over a traditional handyman/carpentry service is that we know what to do, so nuisance wildlife doesn't come back. Also, we know and have the products that have been field-proven to keep them out.
Do not forget: we also sanitize and deodorize! We do small and large clean-ups of all types, from a small dead mouse or squirrel in an attic, crawl space, or even a wall void to large pigeon droppings clean-ups in attics, warehouses, and even dead wildlife under decks, and in chimneys. No one should have to live with the foul odors of wildlife. We give you your home back!
Looking for a price? Schedule an estimate.