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Products & Services
Pest Control Services
Local Termite Treatment
Carpenter Ant Control
Bed Bug Extermination
Rodent Control
Ant Control and Extermination
Cockroach Extermination
Flies and Bee Control
Spiders and Bug Control
Stinkbug Services
Beetle and Flea Control
Tick Control Services
Gutter Guards
Crawl Space Vapor Barriers
Attic Insulation
Company Awards
Cowleys Receives the Golden Osprey Award for Business Excellence
We are incredibly honored to receive the Golden Osprey Award from the Jersey Shore Chamber of Commerce for the Business... [Read more]
Cowleys Voted Best Places to Work in n NJ for a Second Year in a Row
We are honored to be named to the 2022 Best Places to Work in New Jersey list by NJBIZ magazine... [Read more]
Cowleys Wins Asbury Park Press's 2021 Best of the Best Community Choice Awards for Monmouth County!
Cowleys Services has been voted Monmouth County's BEST of the BEST 2021 Pest Control Provider by the Asbury Park Press!... [Read more]
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Barnegat, NJ Pest Control & Attic Insulation Professional

Brian did a great job......

Pest Control & Home Repair Professional in Barnegat

Cowleys Pest Services is Barnegat, NJ's leading pest control and home repair contractor, offering a wide variety of services to keep your home healthy, efficient, and safe. We employ a customer-first philosophy when it comes to running our business, so you know you're getting only the best when you partner with us. We are committed to providing affordable, safe, and effective solutions for all your pest control and home repair needs.

Reliable services by Cowleys Pest Services:

  • Pest Control
  • Commercial Pest Services
  • Wildlife Removal
  • Bird Control Services
  • RainDrop Gutter Guards
  • Attic Insulation
  • Crawl Space Encapsulation
  • And more!

Ready to get started on your pest control or home repair project? Contact Cowleys Pest Services today at 1-848-251-0598 or click below to schedule a free, no-obligation estimate in Barnegat and nearby.

Trusted Pest Control Company Proudly Serving Barnegat

Have you been dealing with termites, cockroaches, or bed bugs in your Barnegat home? At Cowleys Pest Services, we understand how unsettling it can be to discover that you have a pest problem. That's why our team works quickly to resolve your pest problem, using only the best pest control solutions in the industry. We've been helping homeowners remove pests since 1991, so we have the experience, solutions, and determination to fix your problem once and for all.

Pests we treat:

  • Bed bugs
  • Ants
  • Bees & wasps
  • Cockroaches
  • Flies
  • Mosquitoes
  • Rodents
  • And more!

Barnegat Crawl Space Encapsulation Services

One way that pests can make their way into your home is through your crawl space. An unsealed crawl space also lets in moisture, leading to structural damage and mold and mildew growth. Structural damage results in uneven interior floors, which can become hazardous if not resolved. Mold and mildew growth can lead to increased asthma and allergy symptoms for you and your loved ones. Fortunately, Cowleys Pest Services offers a complete crawl space encapsulation system to keep your crawl space and the rest of your home dry, safe, structurally sound, and healthy.

Our crawl space encapsulation products:

  • Vapor barriers
  • Crawl space access doors
  • Crawl space insulation
  • Sump pumps
  • Dehumidifiers
  • Crawl space vent covers

Keep pests out and prevent structural damage with crawl space encapsulation by Cowleys Pest Services! Get in touch with us today at 1-848-251-0598 or fill out our online form to schedule a free crawl space encapsulation estimate in Barnegat and nearby.

Case Studies From Barnegat
As this homeowner in Barnegat, NJ was renovating his living room, he found something behind a wall that made his heart skip a beat...termites! He...
Recently, I was sent to an apartment unit in Barneget, NJ, to resolve an entrenched German cockroach infestation. Roaches have exceptionally high...
I was called to a residence in Barnegat for a Sentricon installation. Sentricon is a subterranean termite colony elimination system that takes...
Job Stories From Barnegat, NJ
Stopping the Birds Before They Become a Problem in Barnegat, NJ

This homeowner in Barnegat, NJ had multiple exhaust vents around his home that were damaged and exposed. Since a number of birds were flying around those areas, he decided to be proactive and prevent them from infesting his home. So he contacted Bird Solutions by Cowleys and we were sent out. 

After cleaning up the areas, we installed a Defender over each one of the exposed exhaust vents. The Defender is the perfect choice to help keep out nuisance birds (and squirrels too)! While allowing free-flowing air movement, its patented design effectively blocks intrusion by using a system of bars instead of a screen under the hood.

Stopping the Birds Before They Become a Problem in Barnegat, NJ - Photo 1
Plumbing Pipe on the Roof Destroyed by Squirrels in Barnegat, NJ

After hearing noises in his attic during the daytime, this customer in Barnegat, NJ was concerned that he might have something living in his attic. So he contacted Little Rascals by Cowleys and we were sent out. As we began inspecting the exterior of the roof, we discovered something interesting on the roof - the plumbing pipe had been chewed to pieces! The whole purpose of the plumbing pipe is to make sure that the plumbing works properly as well as keeps methane gas out of the home. As we took a closer look, we found squirrel fur in the pipe and squirrel paw prints on the roof. Looks like the homeowner has a squirrel living in his attic!

To safely retrieve it, we installed a one-way device over the plumbing pipe and temporarily enclosed it off with hardware cloth. We also set-up several baited devices nearby. A one-way device is designed to allow the squirrel to safely leave the area but prevent it from getting back in. A short while later, we successfully retrieved the squirrel and relocated it to a new, humane environment.

Next, we replaced the PVC portion of the plumbing pipe, installed a Perma-Boot, and sealed it in place with a premium, waterproof adhesive. The Perma-Boot is a gasket-less two piece pipe boot repair system that is designed to permanently repair any leak around the vent pipes.

Plumbing Pipe on the Roof Destroyed by Squirrels in Barnegat, NJ - Photo 1
Termite Damaged Wooden Beams Found During Renovations in Barnegat, NJ

We recently went out on a service call to a home in Barnegat, NJ to handle a possible termite infestation. The owner had mentioned that as he was renovating his living room, he noticed a few of the wooden beams seemed to be damaged by termites. When we arrived, we inspected the wooden beams and, unfortunately, confirmed the owners suspicion that not only were the wooden beams damaged by termites, but there was an active infestation!

We found termites and active mud tubes throughout several of the wooden beams. Mud tubes are pencil-width size tubes made by the worker termites that the termites use to travel to and from their nest when foraging for food. For treatment, with the owners permission, we drilled into the flooring of the living room, as well as around the exterior home, and injected a liquid termiticide. Afterward, we drilled into the walls of the living room and injected a foaming version of the termiticide. Both of these treatments bind to the treated areas and creates a protective zone that the termites can't detect.

The termites will come in contact with the termiticide as they go about their normal routines, bring it back to their nest, and transfer the treatment throughout their colony. In a short amount of time, the termites will be exterminated and the home will be protected from termites for years to come!

Termite Damaged Wooden Beams Found During Renovations in Barnegat, NJ - Photo 1Termite Damaged Wooden Beams Found During Renovations in Barnegat, NJ - Photo 2
Pest Control in Barnegat, NJ

During an exterior inspection of a termite baiting station that was recently installed for a customer in Barnegat, NJ I found a colony of ants, with larva, taking shelter in the bait station trying to survive the cold winter temperatures. A closer inspection revealed that these were pavement ants. Pavement ants are also called sugar ants and are about 1/8 of an inch in size and are brown to black in color. They will eat almost anything, including other insects! They forage in trails for distances of up to 30 feet and are known to climb masonry walls that enter into occupied areas. Why are they called pavement ants? Because they create nests under or in cracks in pavements.

I applied a liquid non-repellent directly onto the ants and around the entire property. The ants will come in contact with this application and transfer it to other ants in the colony, either by grooming one another, feeding one another, or eating their dead! They'll even transfer the treatment to the reproductive queen, ensuring complete elimination of the entire colony. 

Pest Control in Barnegat, NJ - Photo 1
Raccoons on Barnegat, NJ Patio

Often, raccoons, especially mother raccoons seeking a quiet, private place to raise their young, use attics and chimneys as dens. But they can and will make their nests almost anywhere. We’ve dealt raccoon nests in crawl spaces, barn lofts. and with this home in Barnegat, NJ, the mother raccoon didn’t even bother to break into the home. Here, the mother set up shop underneath some patio furniture that was covered for the winter.  So, when you are ready to start using your patio furniture and remove the protective covering, please be cautious. There may be a family of wildlife squatters that have already decided to use your covered patio furniture as their own little backyard campsite! before you do!

I set up a few traps and loaded them with my secret irresistible bait recipe. It did not take long to trap the mother raccoon. As you can see from the photo, she was giving me quite the dirty look for trapping her. I rounded up the babies and safely relocated the family to a location safer for them and safer for these Atlantic Highland homeowners. Raccoons may look cute and cuddly, but they are large aggressive animals that can be quite dangerous if they feel cornered or threatened. Mother raccoons are especially protective of their helpless kits. Wildlife is wonderful, but it’s a much better situation for everyone when wildlife stays in the wild and enjoyed at a distance, far away from human habitats.

Raccoons on Barnegat, NJ Patio - Photo 1
Carpenter Bees Cause Damage to Barnegat, NJ Home

I was recently sent to a home in Barnegat, NJ, to deal with a carpenter bee infestation. Carpenter bees are one of the more common wood boring insects that infest homes and other structures. The females runner into wood to deposit their eggs, and their excavation can cause considerable damage, especially if left unchecked and the bees return year after year. Often, carpenter bees rear their ugly heads around the eaves on the sunny side of a home. But carpenter bees can burrow into virtually any wooden structural material in and around your home. These bees often bore their nesting holes into the wood of decks, bay windows, and even wooden swing sets. The common thread is that their usual choice ion wood s bare, unpainted, weathered wood that is often soft from water damage.

While treating a home for carpenter bees on the peaks of a home, I’ll always inspect the surrounding areas for not only the target pest, but for any other pest activity. Upon inspection, I noticed a pile of fresh sawdust — this “frass” is a telltale sign of property-damaging wood-boring insects. Sure enough, this little pile was right underneath an entry hole. After treating this hole, I noticed active carpenter bee activity under a bay window. I could actually hear these little buggers chewing the wood and I could hear the “munching” sound of carpenter bee activity as the females bored into the wood. 

Homeowners should keep an eye out for carpenter bee and other insect activity. They don’t make much noise, and generally the damage they do is subtle and takes place over a long period of time. Carpenter bees return to the same location year after year to reuse and expand old galleries and build new ones. Over time, damage from carpenter bees and other wood-boring insects can be extensive. The earlier that these infestations are identified and treated, the better.

Carpenter Bees Cause Damage to Barnegat, NJ Home - Photo 1
Ants Trail Up Commercial Building in Barnegat, NJ

As part of my monthly servicing for one of our commercial accounts in Barnegat, NJ, I always conduct a thorough inspection of the building’s exterior perimeter looking for signs of pest and rodent infestations. Many times we are able discover and treat infestations before they make their way inside and cause even more trouble. Here, I discovered a trail of ants on the exterior frame of the warehouse doors. Foraging ants will form a pheromone trail from the nest to the food source for other ants to follow. It’s the ant’s version of not re-inventing the wheel! Once we discover a trail, we follow it to see where the ants are coming from and where they are going. Here, the ants were trailing from a nearby tree to the warehouse door and then making their way up the side of the building to the gutter/roofline.

Ant infestations can be difficult to treat because of their sheer numbers. Also, it is essential to treat the ant nest itself and not merely kill off replaceable foraging workers. I treated this infestation by applying a liquid treatment to the foundation, windows, and door frames. This product will be carried back to the nest by the foragers. I then applied a gel bait around the door frame as well as a granular bait around the tree were the trail had started. The combination of these treatments will soon eliminate this ant colony. I always feel good about stopping a pest infestation dead in its tracks before they have a chance to make their way inside the structure.

Ants Trail Up Commercial Building in Barnegat, NJ - Photo 1
Bird spikes deter nuisance birds from rooftop in Barnegat, NJ home.

When homes and other structures have ongoing problems with nuisance birds like pigeons and seagulls landing, roosting, and nesting on ledges, gutters, and other areas around the roof, our Bird Solutions division can install various types of physical barrier deterrents that instantly converts your property from a desirable bird habitat into an undesirable one. Once we remove the landing spots on your ledges and other areas, the birds simply “pack their bags” and move elsewhere.  

Proper installation of deterrents by an experienced bird control specialist is essential. One of the most common physical deterrents that we install are bird control spikes. For this house in Barnegat, NJ that was having a nuisance bird problem, I installed bird spikes on the chimney caps.

The feedback from the homeowner was great. Once these spikes were installed, the birds were given a strong message that they were no longer welcomed here, and they moved elsewhere! Unfortunately, when dealing with birds, they often become someone else’s problem. ideally, we want the birds to use natural structures to land, roost, and nest instead of using homes and buildings.




Bird spikes deter nuisance birds from rooftop in Barnegat, NJ home. - Photo 1