Pests We Treat Photo Album: Excluded the Gaps to Stop the Mice From Entering in Colts Neck, NJ
We're back at this home in Colts Neck, NJ to check up on the mice activity and seal off all the potential openings.
Spaces Around Utility Pipes
After replenishing our rodent bait stations, we turned our attention to all the openings around the utility pipes that the mice were using to infest the home.
They Can Fit
These gaps may seem too small for a mouse, but do to their collapsible ribs, they can squeeze through an opening the width of a pencil!
Area Excluded
So we stuffed each opening with chew-proof mesh and then sealed them with a waterproof adhesive.
No More Access for Mice
Now the mice are properly excluded from the property. When we finished, we scheduled several additional follow up visits to continually monitor the mice activity until they are gone from the home for good.