Pests We Treat Photo Album: Drain Flies & Fruit Flies Take Control of Business in Monmouth Junction, NJ
This business owner in Monmouth Junction, NJ had a massive fruit and drain fly infestation.
This Was Why
As we began our inspection, underneath several pieces of equipment was a massive pile up of discarded food and liquids.The floor drains were also dirty and full of discarded materials.
Empty Bottles
There was also a cart filled with dirty, empty bottles. Dark-eyed fruit flies are attracted to food that is allowed to rot and ferment & drain flies feed off and lay their eggs in the accumulated "muck" (organic debris) that can coat drains if not periodically cleaned.
A Few Suggestions
We showed the owner and suggested a few simple sanitation procedures to keep his business clean and pest-free. He agreed to our suggestions and went right to cleaning!
Sanitation is the Solution
Cleaning the problem areas will almost immediately exterminate the fruit & drain flies. As a precaution, we applied a liquid application in all the floor drains and then scrubbed them out with our heavy-duty scrubbing brush.
Keeping an Eye Out
Afterward, we applied a bio-foam solution in the drains, which removes all the organic build-up, odors, and scum inside them. Lastly, we scheduled several follow up inspections to monitor the infestation and apply any additional treatments if needed.