Pests We Treat Photo Album: Yellow Jackets Get in Through the Broken Dryer Vent in Tinton Falls, NJ
A new customer in Tinton Falls, NJ called Cowleys after finding a few yellow jackets flying around her laundry room.
Checked the Outside Vent...
After not finding any access points inside the home, we suspected that the yellow jackets were getting in through the dryer exhaust vent. We went outside and, sure enough, we saw several yellow jackets flying around the exhaust vent!
A Little Different
Although the vent was exposed, the yellow jackets were actually using the screw hole to enter the home!
Take Down the Yellow Jackets
First, we applied a knockdown aerosol application to quickly exterminate the yellow jackets.
Prevent the Yellow Jackets from Returning
Afterward, we treated all the cracks and crevices with a knockdown residual dusting product. This treatment eliminates the yellow jackets and prevents them from returning and building a nest. Once the yellow jackets are gone, the owner will exclude the exhaust vent on his own.