Pests We Treat Photo Album: Not Termites, Just Carpenter Ants in Manasquan, NJ
This homeowner thought she might have termites in her home.
They Were Just...
After a thorough inspection, we determined that these weren't termites, but citronella ants.
How to Tell the Difference
Termites have a two-body segment (a head and a waist) while ants have a three-body segment (a head, thorax, and abdomen).
Now to Treat
Now that we properly identified the pest, we can now use the proper treatment for that pest! I treated the area and along the entire exterior of the home with a liquid non-repellant.
Once the citronella ants come in contact with this treatment, they will bring it back to their nest and share it with one another. In no time at all, the ants are eliminated.