Pests We Treat Photo Album: Acrobat Ants in Brick, NJ
Acrobat Ants
With the homeowners permission, I inspected the kitchen - which is where the highest level activity was. I spotted a few ants on the tile floor, took a closer look and identified them as acrobat ants
What Are Acrobat Ants
Acrobat ants get their name from their ability acrobatically raise their abdomen above their head (usually when they're disturbed). They have a heart-shaped abdomen, are light brown to black in color and are approximately 1/8 of an inch in size.
The Siding
After a complete inspection, I determined that the ants were entering the home underneath the siding of the exterior.
Cowleys Ant Extermination Process
First, I used a dust application to treat under the under the siding on the exterior and in the wall voids of the kitchen.
Along the Windows
Next, I used an aerosol flusher to treat all window frames on the exterior and interior of the home as well as treated all the cracks and crevices in the kitchen. The product flushes the ants out hiding and eliminates them almost immediately.
Now for the Residual
Lastly, I used a residual liquid around the entire foundation. Once the ants come in contact with any of these treatments, they'll carry it back to their nest and transfer it among one another (including their queen). Shortly after, the entire colony is eliminated.
Parting Advice
I recommended to the homeowner to get gutter extenders to route water away from the foundation as well as to clean their gutters frequently. Moisture conditions can draw ants to a structure and removing the source will prevent these pests from intruding into your home.