Pests We Treat Photo Album: McGuire Air Force Base
McGuire Air Force Base constructed a new canopy that was next to their brand new athletic track. This new canopy is where the Air Force Men and Women would exercise, stretch, and perform drills in bad weather. Birds on the other hand had their eyes on it for a different reason. They liked the shelter it offered and decided it was a perfect place to nest and make a home. The birds were happy, but the Air Force Men and Women found themselves doing pushups and sit-ups in bird feces. So their solution was to call Bird Solution by Cowleys. We installed a professional bird deterrent system using Bird Barrier Stealth Netting. The birds were not harmed in any way and the Air Force Men and Women can now exercise in a healthy, and clean area. Another problem solved!
McGuire Air Force Base's New Outdoor Canopy Complete with Bird Barrier Stealth Netting
Birds Would love to nest under this canopy!
McGuire Air Force Base's New Outdoor Canopy Was Invaded by Birds
The Air Force needed extra help combating these flying foes!
New Outdoor Canopy Complete with Bird Barrier Stealth Netting
The rafters above are key real estate locations for birds.
Bird Barrier Stealth Netting Protects the Air Force Base
The netting keeps out the unwanted guests.
Air Force Base's Outdoor Canopy with Bird Barrier Installed
By keeping out birds, You also keep out their messes.
McGuire Air Force Base Needed Bird Deterrents
This canopy would have been the perfect home for birds without our netting installed.
Outdoor Canopy Complete with Bird Barrier Stealth Netting
What bird wouldn't want to live here?
Air Force Base'Outdoor Canopy with Bird Netting
The skies are clear now that the birds have moved on!
New Outdoor Canopy Has Bird Netting Installed
One bird, and disease free canopy.
McGuire Air Force Base is Now Protected From Birds
This area can be utilized without fear of birds making a mess of things!