Pests We Treat - Rat damage in Seaside Park, New Jersey

Usually, during these inspections, you'll see signs of rodent activity other than live animals. Rodents tend to hide when not foraging for food, but they are messy creatures that leave behind a trail of evidence, especially fecal droppings, burrows, and nesting materials.
I was expecting to find signs of a mouse infestation, but during my inspection found evidence of a rodent that most of us find to be even more disturbing - disease-carrying rats! During my inspection, the first sign of a rat infestation were droppings behind washer and dryer. Fecal identification is important to determine the type of animal infesting the home. Also, the volume of droppings is a good indicator of how big the problem is. A rat's fecal pellets are rectangular, about 1/2 to 3/4" long, with blunt ends. They are generally found in small groups. The droppings of a house mouse are much smaller, granular in shape, about 1/8 to 1/4" long, with one or both ends pointed. These rats had also carved out burrows and pathways in insulation covering the basement floor joists.