Pests We Treat - Roach activity in cabinet

Unfortunately, these persistent, resilient insects are one of the more challenging insects to get rid of. Because of their fast growth rate and reproduction cycle, an infestation must be properly treated at the first sign of trouble. Because roaches are nocturnal and forage for food at night, you often see signs of a roach infestation before running into live roaches. Signs of roaches in your home are: roach droppings (ranging in size from tiny specs to oval pellets), roach egg cases (oothecae), and even roach smells - roaches can produce a pungent odor and dead roaches will start smelling as they decompose. You usually see live roaches when you turn on the kitchen light and see them on the floor or counters darting off to their dark hiding places. If you do nothing or delay treatment through ineffective DIY remedies, you are sure to have an entrenched infestation in no time.