Sanitation Issue Leads to a Fruit Fly Infestation
We were sent out to a commercial property in Brick, NJ after the owner had reported a large fruit fly infestation throughout several areas of his business. Once we arrived and started inspecting, it was clear what caused the fruit fly problem - poor sanitation!
Each one of the floor drains were clogged, overflowing with water & debris, and full of fruit flies and their larvae. There were also some food trays left out from the previous night and several of the trash cans were overflowing with garbage. We brought every one of these sanitation problems to the owner's and the manager's attention and suggested a few new and effective cleaning protocols to prevent any future fruit fly and other pest issues. They both agreed that this problem needs to be corrected ASAP and they both started to clean the problem areas.
As they were cleaning, we applied a liquid application in all the floor drains & sink drains. This will eliminate the areas that the fruit flies are breeding in, which will in turn, exterminate the fruit flies. After applying the liquid application we scrubbed each one of the drains out with our heavy-duty scrubbing brush.
Afterward, we applied a bio-foam solution in the all the drains, which removes all the organic build-up, odors, and scum inside them. Lastly, we treated the high infestation areas with a fly bait to control the adult fruit flies that are still hovering around and installed several fruit fly traps. The attractant in the traps draws the fruit flies close and the bait inside the traps exterminates them within moments of contact. In a short amount of time, the fruit flies will be gone for good.