Photo Album: Cluttered Apartment Infested with Mice & Cockroaches in Gladstone, NJ

Hidden in the Clutter
Several bedrooms were filled with clutter and mice droppings!

Kitchen Belonged to the Cockroaches
Continuing our inspection, we found several dirty dishes and even more clutter in the kitchen. As we got closer, we stumbled upon a massive infestation of cockroaches in the area!

This Needs to Be Done First
Before any treatment is done, we told the tenant and the landlord that everything must be removed and thoroughly cleaned. Additionally, every single contaminated item must be properly disposed of. They both agreed and started working on that. Once they were done, we treated the pantries, as well as the entire kitchen, with a residual application that is combined with an EPA registered insect growth regulator. This treatment affects the cockroaches' reproductive system and prevents them from reaching adulthood.

How It Works Aganist the Cockroaches
Afterward, we applied a knockdown aerosol product to every single crack, crevice, appliance, and baseboard throughout the kitchen. This product flushes the cockroaches out of hiding, into the growth regulator, and rapidly exterminates them. Lastly, we placed several monitoring devices throughout the kitchen and other infested areas.

Now for the Mice
As we completed that, we turned our attention to the mice and installed several rodent bait stations throughout the interior of the apartment as well as around the exterior. After all that was done we scheduled a number of return visits to keep an eye on the infestations, replenish that bait in the bait stations, and apply any additional treatments if needed.