Photo Album: Yellow Jackets Coming from Below the Deck in Montgomery, NJ
We were sent out to treat for yellow jackets at this home in Montgomery, NJ.
A Small Opening Below the Deck
As we were inspecting the back porch to find out where the yellow jackets were coming from, we noticed a small hole where the siding meets the deck. So we took a closer look at it...
That's Where
...and several yellow jackets started to emerge from the opening!
Residing Beneath the Deck
Looks like that's where they were nesting. We told the owner and, once the yellow jackets are gone, he will seal up that opening.
Neutralizing the Yellow Jackets
For treatment, we injected a knockdown aerosol application into that opening. This product will exterminate the yellow jackets almost immediately.
Preventing Them From Coming Back
We also injected a knockdown dusting application into that gap, which will also neutralize the yellow jackets. Lastly, we applied a liquid residual to this area. This is going to eliminate any yellow jackets that return to this area and prevent them, and other stinging insects, from building another nest.