Photo Album: Renovation Exposes Termites in Robbinsville, NJ

Uncovered Excessive Termite Damage
As the homeowner was remodeling the exterior of his property, he discovered a lot of termite damage!

Got to Drill
To effectively target the subterranean termites, with the owners' permission, we drilled into the concrete around the entire exterior of the home. As we were drilling, we made sure to space the injection holes at least 18 to 20 inches apart. That way the treatment we're about to inject has enough room to spread out.

Termiticide Takes Care of Termites
Next, we injected a liquid termiticide into the drill holes! This application binds to the treated areas and creates a protective zone that is undetectable to the termites. The termites will go about their business and come in contact with the termiticide!

Treatment Gets Transferred
They will then bring the treatment back to their nest and transfer it throughout their colony. In a short amount of time, the termites will be exterminated and the home will be fully protected from termites for many years. Lastly, we filled in all the drill holes.