Photo Album: Birds Nesting in the Soffit and Pork Chop in New Egypt, NJ

Broken Pork Chop
As we began inspecting the exterior of the home, we noticed that the pork chop was damaged. A pork chop is a type of trim that is primarily used on the eaves of a house.

Loaded with Birds Nests
As we got closer, we realized that the pork chop was loaded with bird nesting debris!

The Soffit Too
We also noticed some bird nesting debris sticking out of an area by the soffit too!

Getting Ride of the Debris
First, we equipped our PPE gear and carefully removed all the nesting debris.

Over 50 Pounds
In total, there was over 50lbs of bird debris inside the home. Once we finished, we carefully disinfected the areas with a solution that eliminates bird mites. Bird mites are parasites that feed on the blood of birds. When birds leave their nests, the mites make their way into a home and, once inside, they will take over, climbing all over your walls, ceilings, and beddings. To make matters worse, bird mites are tiny and semi-transparent, so they are extremely difficult to detect.

Cleaned Out
Afterward, we installed a number of Intimidators in several locations on the exterior of the home. The Intimidator reflects the suns rays as the wind spins it around and gives off Ultra Violet "flashes" (ultra violet is a color that birds can see but humans can not). The woodpeckers will relate the UV flashes as a danger and stay away. This is a humane and effective visual deterrent to prevent the woodpeckers from causing any further damage to the home. Lastly, we installed sturdy metal flashing over the damaged soffit area and the pork chop.