Photo Album: Ants Infiltrating the Home in Somerset, NJ

Marching Along the Side
As we began inspecting the exterior of the home, we came across a trail of ants on the side of the home. So we followed their trail...

Getting in Here
...all the way to the OTHER side of the home and discovered that they were able to get into the home through several small gaps underneath the siding. We informed the owner who had mentioned that, once the ants are gone, he's going to hire a contractor to fill in the gaps in his siding.

Cowleys Treatment for Pesky Ants
In the meantime, we're treated this area, and the entire perimeter of the home, with a liquid non-repellent residual. Once we finished, we also applied a granular bait to the entire landscape. Lastly, with the owner's permission, we treated the baseboards, trims, cracks, and crevices of the high infestation areas on the inside of the home with the liquid residual.

It's Called the Transfer Effect
The worker ants, once they come in contact with either of these applications, will return to their nest and then transfer the treatments to their queen and the other ants in their colony by feeding one another, grooming one another, or eating their own dead. This is called the transfer effect. After a short period of time, the ant colony will be exterminated.