Photo Album: Fruit Flies & Cockroaches Infesting Old Restaurant in Flagtown, NJ

Poor Sanitation
Apparently, the previous owner wasn't too keen on sanitation as almost ever area in the kitchen was loaded with grease and food debris. This lead to a hefty cockroach infestation!

Broken Floor Drains
As we continued our inspection, we found several floor drains that were broken, full of discarded food debris, muck, and loaded with fruit flies. Fruit flies are attracted to ripened fruits and vegetables in the kitchen or wherever food is allowed to rot and ferment. Although these pests can't bite or transmit any diseases, they can carry around bacteria from one place to another and contaminate food.

Needs to Be Cleaned
We highly advised the new owner that, once we finish our treatment, to clean the entire restaurant from top to bottom and keep it clean to prevent any future pest issues. We also informed the owner that everything that isn't nailed down needs to be removed or covered before we begin our cockroach treatment. He agreed and did just that.

Targeting the Cockroaches
We treated every single nook & cranny of the restaurant with an EPA registered insect growth regulator that is combined with a residual product. This treatment affects the cockroaches' reproductive system and prevents them from reaching adulthood. Next, we applied a knockdown aerosol product to every single crack, crevice, appliance, and baseboard throughout the building. This product flushes the cockroaches out of hiding, into the growth regulator, and rapidly exterminates them.

Fruit Flies Are Next
Once we finished with that, we applied a liquid application in all the floor drains throughout the restaurant and then scrubbed them out with our heavy-duty scrubbing brush. Next, we applied a bio-foam solution that removes the organic build-up, odors, and scum in the drains.

Eliminating the Fruit Flies & Cockroaches
Afterward, we treated the infestation areas with a fly bait to control the adult fruit flies and installed several fruit fly traps. The attractant in the traps draws the fruit flies close and the bait inside the traps exterminates them within moments of contact. Lastly, we placed several monitoring devices throughout the high infestation areas and scheduled several follow-up visits to monitor the infestations and apply any additional treatments until the cockroaches and the fruit flies are exterminated for good.