Photo Album: Termites Swarming Around the Window in Hillsborough, NJ

Termite Swarmers and Their Wings
During our inspection of this home, we found a massive amount of termite swarmers and their wings by several windows.

Termite Swarmers Love Bright Lights
The termite colonies send their "explorers", also referred to as swarmers, in search of a hospitable building. Unlike other termites in a colony, swarmers are attracted to light. For this reason, these termites are often found on the inside of windows in a structure that has an active infestation. They want to be outside in the bright sun, not inside the dim interior of a home or business. Termite swarmers also shed their wings during the mating process.

As a Precaution
Although there was no evidence of termite damage done to the home, the owner still opted to have a proactive termite treatment of his property. With the owner's permission, since termites live beneath the soil, we drilled into flooring of the living room, family room, and around the entire exterior of the building.

Next Comes the Termiticide
Once we finished drilling, we injected a liquid termiticide into each one of the drill holes inside and outside of the home. This treatment binds to the treated areas and creates a protective zone that the termites can't detect.

Termites Do the Work
As the termites go about their normal routines, they'll come in contact with the termiticide and bring it back to their colony. They will then unknowingly transfer it throughout their colony. There it spreads rapidly like a virus, and in short amount of time the termites will be exterminated.