Photo Album: Carpenter Bee Damage to Fence in Skillman, NJ

Evidence of Carpenter Bee Damage
As you can see, this fence has several drilled holes in it, which was caused by carpenter bees.

1/2 Inch Holes
Like carpenter ants, carpenter bees can cause significant property damage, as the female drills circular ½-inch diameter holes into fascia boards, porches, decks, siding, sheds, and other wooden structures.

Common Signs
The most common signs of a carpenter bee infestation are the round, smooth holes that carpenter bees bore into wood, the piles of sawdust ("frass") near where they are digging, and the yellow excrement stains on the wood below their holes.

Treatment for Carpenter Bees
For treatment, we're going to apply a residual dusting product into each gallery.

Eliminates Them & Their Eggs
This treatment rapidly exterminates the carpenter bees and leaves behind a residual that will eliminate any eggs inside their gallery as well as any returning carpenter bees.