Photo Album: Checking Up on an Indian Meal Moth Infestation in Peapack, NJ

Full of Indian Meal Moths
We checked our monitoring devices and noticed that each one was full of Indian meal moths!

What are Indian Meal Moths
Also known as pantry pests, Indian meal moths are the most common pests to infest pantries and food storage facilities. These troublesome insects cost food processing businesses thousands of dollars in discarded products yearly. Indian meal moths are attracted to light and feed on dried fruits, grains, seeds, nuts, chocolate, candies, birdseed, dog food, and powdered milk.

Four Life Stages
Indian meal moths pass through four stages during their life cycle: egg, larva, pupa, and adult.

How the Devices Work
These devices have a unique pheromone in them that lures the Indian meal moths to their doom. The purpose of these pheromone devices is to catch the adults that were flying around the ceiling.

Customer Forgot Important Step
The manager mentioned that she forgot to empty her cabinets, which lead to more Indian meal moths infesting other areas. We disposed of all contaminated products and treated all the cracks and crevices throughout the infested areas with an aerosol application. This treatment rapidly exterminates the Indian meal moths.

Replacing the Devices
We properly disposed of the old monitoring devices and replaced them with new ones. We're going to monitor and replace the devices until the Indian meal moths are exterminated.