Photo Album: Not Rats but Bats Infesting Home in Belle Mead, NJ

Lots of Bat Guano
As we began inspecting, we noticed that the area was full of bat droppings!

There were bat droppings in every single corner of the garage, meaning that the bats have been here for quite some time.

Potential Opening
They were several exposed gaps around the wires in the garage, several openings in the roof and the vents were weathered and exposed.

All but One
We sealed all the openings with metal flashing except for one access point, in which we temporarily sealed it off with hardware cloth and installed a bat cone over it.

Can Leave but Can't Come Back
The bat cone allows the bats to safely leave the area but prevents them from getting back in.

Clean Up the Guano
We then cleaned up all the bat droppings and disinfected the area.

Once the Bats are Gone
After all the bats are safely removed from the garage, we will seal up the access point and install a new sturdy vent cover that won't restrict airflow and prevent any future intrusions from bats.