Photo Album: Rats Behind the Dishwasher in Plainsboro, NJ

It's Still There
The homeowner kept hearing scratching noises behind her dishwasher. A short while ago, she saw a rat behind the dishwasher and thought her husband got rid of it. As you can guess from the rat droppings, he didn't.

Rat Hole
We moved the dishwasher and spotted a large buildup of rat droppings as well as a chewed-out rat hole in the foam insulation. This is why spray foam insulation isn't a good product to use to exclude rodents - they will chew right through it!

Dishwasher Drain Chewed Out
The rats even chewed right through the dishwasher drain!

This Was How
We inspected the exterior and found rat feces and hair below an old dryer vent. This was how the rat was able to enter the home!

Seal All the Gaps
First, we installed several rodent bait stations on the exterior of the home. Next, we stuffed all the openings around the utility pipes with chew-proof, stainless steel mesh and then sealed them with a premium adhesive. Lastly, we went inside, carefully cleaned up the droppings, and installed several interior bait stations.

One More Thing
Although we offered to seal up the old dryer vent, the homeowner said that she will seal it up herself. Before we left, we scheduled several follow-up visits to replenish the bait stations until the mice are no longer infesting the home.