Photo Album: Spills in Commercial Building Causes Fruit Flies in Princeton Junction, NJ

Building Up Underneath
When we inspected the kitchen, we found a large number of fruit flies. As we took a closer look, we found gunk in the floor drains, spilled liquids on the sides of the equipment, and food debris underneath the sinks and equipment.

Behind the Equipment Too
There was also a buildup of debris and liquids behind the kitchen equipment. We brought these sanitation issues to the owner's attention and recommended a few simple cleaning procedures to prevent any future pest infestations. Both he and his staff immediately began to clean the place from top to bottom to get rid of all the problems areas.

Here's the Plan
As they were cleaning, we treated the infestation areas with a fly bait to control the adult fruit flies. Next, we removed all the debris and used a heavy-duty brush to thoroughly scrub every single one of the floor drains.

No More Bad Bacteria
Next, we applied a liquid application that removes the bad bacteria from the drain, which eliminates the fruit fly's breeding habitat. Lastly, we applied a bio-foam solution that removes the organic build-up, odors, and scum in the drain.