Recently, I went out on a service call for a homeowner in Jackson, NJ who was complaining of all these red dotted insects on the back of her house. I had a suspicion that it was clover mites. Clover mites are oval shaped, reddish colored insects that are the size of a head on a pin. Their activity increases as temperatures start to drop, during which they feed on clovers, over-fertilized grass, and many other plants. In fact, clover mites eat more than 200 different plant species, including some flowers. Even though I suspected that it may be clover mites, I still need to conduct a thorough inspection of the property. Once I arrived and started inspecting the backyard, it wasn’t hard for me to locate the clover mites as they were all over the concrete wall! Typically, clover mites are encountered on windowsills on the sunny side of homes and move about at a rapid pace. They are not dangerous to humans but invade homes in large numbers. First, I grabbed my professional grade HEPA vacuum and sucked up all the clover mites. When dealing with clover mites, it is strongly recommended that you do NOT crush them. Why? Because they leave behind red stains that are very difficult to remove. After vacuuming them up, I applied a liquid micro-encapsulating application. Once the micro-encapsulated is applied, it leaves behind thousands of micro-particles that bind to the surface. Once clover mites come in contact with this application, they are eliminated. Now the homeowner can once again enjoy an outside meal with her family without worrying about clover mites spoiling their appetite. Exterminators in Jackson, NJ