I recently completed a termite treatment for a homeowner in Marlboro, NJ. This is the time of year when we start to see termite swarms — reproductive termites flying out of the subterranean nest whose sole objective is to mate and form new colonies. Sometimes, these flying termites swarm inside homes. Here, the homeowner had a termite swarm in his basement. This house was half basement and half slab. Many garages are built on slabs so having mixed foundations is quite common. Flying termites gain access inside homes through gaps or cracks in the foundation. One of the more common points we where two separate points of construction meet. There is inevitably some gap between the two. This is precisely how the swimming termites found their way into the basement of this home. Although termite swarms are upsetting to witness, I look at them as a blessing in disguise. With a swarm, a homeowner is at least made aware that there is an active termite colony nearby. Without this warning, a homeowner could have a hidden termite infestation with damage that can go unnoticed since termites eat wood from the inside out. It was time to treat the termite infestation. Since termites are subterranean insects, the product must be applied directly into the soil where the underground nests have formed. We generally have to do some preliminary work to reach the soil since the home’s foundation is covering it. Here, from the basement side of the foundation, I drilled through the cinder block to get under the slab section. I then drilled the concrete sidewalk in front of the home. These small holes give me access to apply an effective liquid termite-killing application by rodding it deep into the soil. Now, when worker termites enter a treated area while foraging to and from the nest, they will bring the product back to the nest and share with the rest of the colony. The key for an effective termite treatment is fully treating other areas around the home’s perimeter. This application will help prevent future termite activity and the damage that these wood-eating insects can cause. There is no other insect that can cause of level of property damage from a termite infestation. Since this liquid application is not exposed to sunlight and stays in the soil, its active termite-killing agents have a long effective useful life. Termites Infest Marlboro, NJ basement