Wildlife Removal Photo Album: Squirrels Badly Damage the Porch Overhang in Brielle, NJ
The squirrels really did a number to this porch overhang!
That's a Lot of Damage
As you can see, the squirrel did some serious damaged to this area.
Also Getting Into the Attic
There was also a small gap that the squirrel was using to infest the attic here...
The Other Side Too
...and here too!
The Set Up
We temporarily sealed off the access points with hardware cloth, left one area exposed, and installed a one-way device over that area. We also installed several baited devices nearby. A one-way device is designed to allow the squirrel to safely leave the area but prevent it from getting back in. A short while later, we successfully retrieved the squirrel and relocated it to a new, humane environment.
Protect the Porch Overhang
To prevent any future intrusions from squirrels, birds, bats, or any other nuisance wildlife, we fashioned a piece of sturdy metal flashing...
Secured from All Nuisance Wildlife
...and installed it over each one of the porch overhangs! Now the areas are properly protected from all nuisance wildlife.