Wildlife Removal Photo Album: Evicting a Skunk from the Porch with Dig Defense® in Freehold, NJ
We're at this home in Freehold, NJ to evict this skunk from underneath the back porch.
Skunk Burrow
When we inspected the home, we found a skunk burrow on the side of the back porch. First, we installed a heavy-duty retrieval device over the burrow and temporarily enclosed it with a portion of Dig Defense® in order to safely retrieve the skunk.
Time for Dig Defense®
Next, we installed Dig Defense® around the entire back porch except for skunk burrow.
Why Dig Defense® is Great
Dig Defense® is a below-ground fence system that is 15 inches deep, 4 feet across, and protects structures against invasive nuisance wildlife and feral animals.
Once we safely retrieve the skunk, we will relocate it to a new, humane location, fill in the burrow, and install another portion of Dig Defense® over the burrow.