Wildlife Removal Photo Album: Homeowners Come Home to a Raccoon in Manalapan, NJ

Guess How They Entered?
As you can see, the raccoon ripped apart the gable vent in order to gain access to the attic.

Raccoon Paw Prints
We found the raccoon's paw prints all over the air ducts and the furnace.

Insulation Contaminated
Unfortunately, the insulation was contaminated with raccoon urine and feces. The smell was almost unbearable.

Spotted the Raccoon
We even found the raccoon hiding in the corner of the attic! We slowly backed away and started setting up. We temporarily enclosed the gable vent off with hardware cloth and installed a one-way device over it.

Only One-Way Out
The one-way allows the raccoon to safely leave the area but prevents it from getting back in. We also placed several baited devices nearby. Once we safely retrieve the raccoon, we will relocate it to a new humane environment, disinfect the attic area, reinsulate the attic with blown-in cellulose insulation, and replace the gable vent with Pest-Blok. Pest-Blok doesn't restrict the airflow to the attic, undergoes a silicone-protected polyester coating process that makes it last longer, and guards the home against raccoons and all nuisance wildlife.