Pests We Treat Photo Album: Ants March Along the Kitchen Countertops in Allenwood, NJ
Lots of ants were trailing throughout this customers kitchen in Allenwood, NJ
In the Kitchen
As you can see, this customer has an ant infestation in her kitchen. They're all over the countertop.
Some Gel Bait
To eliminate them, we're applying an ant gel bait in several areas along the countertop.
A Liquid Treatment Too
After that, we're going to treat the entire exterior of the home with a liquid residual. At the owner's request, we will treat the two adjacent rooms inside the home with the liquid residual. The worker ants are going to come in contact with either of these applications and bring them back to their nest.
How They Share the Treatments
There, they're going to transfer the treatments throughout their colony by feeding one another, grooming one another, or eating their own dead. A short while later, the ant colony will be exterminated.