Pests We Treat Photo Album: Bar Equipment Infested with Fruit Flies in Beach Haven, NJ
All of these unsanitary conditions lead to a massive fruit fly infestation in this restaurant in Beach Haven, NJ.
This Was Why
As we began inspecting the restaurant we found so many fruit flies flying around the kitchen, the bar, trash room, and sink room - and this was why.
Clogged and Full
Almost every single one of the floor drains were clogged with discarded food debris, trash, and sludge.
Dirty Under Here Too
We also found a buildup of grease and other sugary liquids underneath the kitchen equipment and bar area. We showed the owner, the managers, and the entire staff these problem areas and told them that if they don't want any pest issues, these areas need to be cleaned immediately and kept clean. Every single one of them agreed and began to clean up the problem areas and discard all the trash.
Cleaning Out the Drains
In the meantime, we started to apply a liquid application in all the floor drains that will remove the bad bacteria that the fruit flies breed in. Removing the breeding habitat will quickly remove the fruit flies. Next, we scrubbed out each one of the drains with our heavy-duty scrubbing brush. Afterward, we applied a bio-foam solution that removes the organic build-up, odors, and scum in all the drains
Now for the Fruit Fly Traps
Once we finished we then treated all the high infestation areas with a fly bait to control the adult fruit flies and then installed several fruit fly traps. The attractant in the traps draws the fruit flies close and the bait inside the traps exterminates them within moments of contact. In a short amount of time, the fruit flies will be exterminated!