Pests We Treat Photo Album: Mop Closet Full of Fruit Flies in Freehold, NJ

Dark-Eyed Fruit Flies
We investigated and noticed that the fruit flies were congregating around the pot wash station and the mop sink in the broom closet. We took a closer look and identified them as dark-eyed fruit flies.

Here's Why
Dark-eyed fruit flies breed around areas where organic matter can be found. Although the floor drains had no-fly activity around them and were free from debris, we did find several dirty dishes piling up in the kitchen, several wet, dirty mops in the broom closet, and a bucket full of dirty liquids in the trash room.

Staying Clean Will Prevent Pests
We spoke to the owner and mentioned a few, simple sanitation protocols that will prevent fruit flies, as well as any pests from infesting his business. He and his crew immediately began cleaning the areas of concern and removing all the dirty items. Once the contaminated items are removed, so will the fruit flies.

Cowleys Treatment for Fruit Flies
As they went to work, we treated around those areas with a liquid residual that contained an insect growth regulator. Afterward, a fly bait aerosol was applied under and around equipment. Both of these treatments will exterminate the fruit flies.