Pests We Treat Photo Album: Electrical Line Causes Mice to Infest Shed in Freehold, NJ
A new customer in Freehold, NJ, kept finding mice droppings throughout his shed.

Gap in the Electrical Line
As we inspected the shed, we found the point of entry which was a small opening where an electrical line was recently put in.

Don't Need Much
Mice only need an opening the width of a pencil to infest structures.

First Stuff It
First, we stuffed the opening with chew-proof, stainless steel mesh. Mice hate chewing on metal and this will deter them from entering.

Then Seal It
Afterward, we sealed the opening with a waterproof, premium adhesive and installed several rodent bait stations on the inside and outside of the shed. We will return for several follow-up visits to monitor the infestation and replenish the bait stations as needed.
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