Fruit Flies Congregate in Dirty Floor Drain in Princeton Junction, NJ
During a routine treatment of this restaurant in Princeton Junction, NJ, we noticed a few fruit flies flying around one of the floor drains. We took a closer look and found a large amount of fruit flies inside of it! Turns out the fruit flies were attracted to rotting produce inside the drain. For treatment, we applied a liquid application and then scrubbed the floor drain out with our heavy-duty scrubbing brush. This application removes the bad bacteria in the drain, which is the breeding ground for the fruit flies.
Afterward, we applied a bio-foam solution in the floor drain. This product removes all the organic build-up, odors, and scum inside them. Lastly, we applied a fly bait to the area around the floor drain to exterminate any remaining adult fruit flies. Before we left, we suggested a few simple sanitation procedures to the owner to prevent any future fruit fly infestations.